This rating evaluates a nursing home's quality of post-acute care for patients recovering from a hospital stay such as after stroke, heart attack, infection or accidental injury.
Residents able to return home At Liberty Commons, 61.1% of residents were able to return home after being discharged. Compare to Massachusetts 56.0% and national 53.8% averages. The ability to return to a personal residence rather than a hospital or other care setting is an indication of successful rehabilitation.
Emergency room visits At Liberty Commons, 10.6% of short term residents needed to go to an ER during their stay. Compare to Massachusetts 10.9% and national 11.1% averages. Lower is better. Fewer visits to emergent care is indicative of higher quality of care and attention to resident safety.
Falls with major injury At Liberty Commons, 1.2% of residents fell, resulting in a major injury such as a bone fracture or dislocation. Compare to Massachusetts 0.9% and national 0.9% averages. Lower is better. Preventing injury is an indicator of quality care and attention to resident safety.
Rehospitalizations At Liberty Commons, 17.6% of residents were rehospitalized during their stay. Compare to Massachusetts 23.9% and national 22.1% averages. Lower is better. Fewer rehospitalizations is indicative of higher quality of care and attention to resident safety.
Infections resulting in hospitalization At Liberty Commons, 4.8% of serious infections were developed during the rehabilitation stay. Compare to Massachusetts 5.3% and national 6.0% averages. Lower is better. Preventing infection is an indicator of quality care and attention to resident safety.
Use of antipsychotic drugs At Liberty Commons, 6.7% of residents were given antipsychotic drugs. Compare to Massachusetts 23.2% and national 19.8% averages. Lower is better. High levels of use of these drugs can indicate inappropriate use for behavior control rather than for medical treatment.
Rate of substantiated complaints At Liberty Commons, a low or average volume of complaints A low rate of complaints is associated with better safety and satisfaction.
Resident-centered rehabilitation therapy At Liberty Commons, 54.0% of residents received more than the minimum amount of therapy appropriate for their condition. Compare to Massachusetts 68.3% and national 48.5% averages. More therapy minutes suggest residents are receiving appropriate care.
Nurse Staffing At Liberty Commons, 3 hours 50 minutes of nurse staffing per resident per day. Compare to Massachusetts 3 hours 51 minutes and national 3 hours 45 minutes averages. Adequate staffing is associated with better safety and outcomes.
Nurse staffing consistency At Liberty Commons, 100.0% of days when a registered nurse was on site for at least 8 hours. Compare to Massachusetts 98.0% and national 97.5% averages. Some nursing homes may fall short of the federal minimum requirement for daily registered nurse staffing. Registered nurses have the highest training level among nursing staff.
Physical therapist staffing At Liberty Commons, 6 minutes of physical rehabilitation per person per day. Compare to Massachusetts 5 minutes and national 5 minutes averages. Residents who receive appropriate PT are more likely to go home on time and be able to avoid injury.
Established in Chatham in 1986, now a multifaceted community, Broad Reach Healthcare is proud to be Cape Cod’s longest-standing locally-owned provider of post-acute care.
Visiting Hours
There are no general limitations on visiting. Visitors are welcome at any time the resident/patient wishes to see them.
Please call (508) 945-4611 if you have patient-resident specific visitor questions.
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All Rights Reserved | Broad Reach Healthcare